Brandon C. Schindewolf



海外統括部長/General Manager/Overseas Division


アメリカ ・オハイオ州立大学にて日本語を専攻し2011年3月に来日。
2013年よりテレビ、ラジオ出演などエンタメ業界に深く関わり、 2018 年~2021年は株式会社ホリプロインターナショナルに在籍、アメリカ人として業界初の声優/アーティストのマネージャーも経験。

Born March 25, 1989 in New Jersey, United States. An avid fan of Japanese animation, voice actors, and history from a young age, Brandon set his sights on learning Japanese and making a career in Japan after first hearing the Japanese vocal track in a video game at the age of 16. After graduating summa cum laude with research distinction in Japanese from The Ohio State University, he arrived in Japan in March 2011. Beginning in 2013, he appeared on various Japanese television and radio programs, and achieved one of his major goals of joining the entertainment industry in 2018, becoming one of the first non-Japanese artist/talent managers at  a major Japanese agency, HoriPro International. In 2021, he joined the contents planning company ISARIBI, and currently works with multiple talent agencies, overseas events, and anime production committees to promote voice actor, musical artist, and anime content worldwide, in addition to serving on anime production committees and as interviewer, host, and interpreter for various events and programs in Japan and internationally.