加藤 花鈴



コンテンポラリーダンサー。カナダで生まれ、横浜で育つ。日本音楽高等学校 音楽科 バレエコース卒業。

ジュエリーブランドVan Cleef & Arpelsの日本40周年記念パーティにてダンサー出演。
帝国ホテルにて映像とダンスのコラボレーション、人間国宝 能楽師 大倉正之助、バイオリニスト川井郁子と共演する機会を得る。
ナチュラルダンステアトル 文化庁巡業公演 「さーかす」準主役として出演。2017年~2023年同カンパニーゲスト出演。
オスカーピーターソンシアターにてトロントのダンスカンパニーKaeja d’Dance と共演。

2019年 上野の森美術館にてKIRIE プロデュース立体浮世絵展 写真作品モデル、和紙作品インスタレーション演出・振付を手がける。
同年ソロ作品2作目とする「白日夢」がContemporary Ballet of Asiaに招呼され、韓国にて発表。

同年舞台The Life of HOKUSAI娘役に抜擢。

目黒区後援名義によるアートイベント『 LADY BIRD VOL.2』に出演。ケント・モリ出演舞台。


Karin is a contemporary dancer who was born in Canada and grew up in Yokohama, Japan. She started her classical training when she was 5 years old and graduated from the ballet course in the music department at Japan Music High School. From 2010 to 2012, she participated in a contemporary dance program in Vancouver.

She performed as a dancer at the 40th anniversary party of Van Cleef & Arpels in Japan. She also participated in a video and dance collaboration at the Imperial Hotel, sharing the stage with Living National Treasure Noh artist Masayuki Okura and violinist Ikuko Kawai. Karin performed as a guest dancer in the Agency for Cultural Affairs' touring performance "Circus" by Natural Dance Theatre and made guest appearances with the same company from 2017 to 2023. She performed with Toronto's dance company Kaeja d’Dance at the Oscar Peterson Theatre.

Karin has appeared in works by choreographers from Japan, Canada, Hong Kong, and South Korea.

In 2019, her solo work was invited to Contemporary Ballet of Asia in Korea. She choreographed an installation piece called "Flower Cage of Ukiyoe" for the Three-Dimensional Ukiyoe Exhibition at Ueno Royal Museum. Karin hosted this performance as a film project in Yokohama in 2021. She was chosen to act as the daughter of Hokusai in the stage production "The Life of HOKUSAI."

Karin was invited to perform at the press conference for the Rubik’s Cube 40th anniversary celebration in front of Princess Takamado by the Hungarian Embassy in November 2020.

She made a guest appearance in the piece "TATARA" in the Republic of Tatarstan. She participated in the art event 'LADY BIRD VOL.2' endorsed by Meguro Ward and performed in a stage production featuring Kent Mori. In 2023, "The Life of HOKUSAI" was performed in Italy.

Since 2023, Karin has founded the wellness studio SuZuri and began offering lessons as an instructor.